Samples of published maps

Samples of published, commissioned maps, displayed in their “before” and “after” states. The “before” versions, from which the maps were rendered, are typically rough sketches or descriptions by the author/client, or perhaps a poor quality original. These maps were intended for print publication (black and white) and were therefore designed to accommodate the publication layout (page size, margins, etc.), with all elements clear and legible. The first and second “after” renderings are similar to the proofs prepared for client and publisher; the third “after” displays the finished map as it appeared in the published scholarly journal.

BEFORE, author’s sketch: Dove, Map 1
(to after)

AFTER, MetaGlfyix rendering: Dove, Map 1
(to before)

BEFORE, author’s sketch: Dove, Map 2
(to after)

AFTER, MetaGlfyix rendering: Dove, Map 2
(to before)

BEFORE, author’s sketch: Dove, Western Kalimantan
(to after)

MetaGlyfix rendering, AS PUBLISHED IN JOURNAL: Dove, Western Kalimantan
(to before)

Last updated 14 August 2021 (Saturday) at 20:30:18 UTC