About … this Web Site
This Site …
Old wine, new bottles …
The Agrarian Studies web site, which was launched in February 1998, has undergone a graphic facelift to make it more compatible with two newer conference sitelets that it spawned. The content, however, remains essentially the same.
The underlying organization of information of this new site is essentially unchanged from the the old site. However, the two separate “graphic” and “text-only” sites have been incorporated into one site. The appearance relies on a simple structure of css styles to help make the information clear and readable. If your browser is set not to view css styles, you should see the text in a more unstructured way, displaying your default settings. Please report problems viewing pages to the webmaster.
Navigation and Links: two methods
Navigation Bar: pages by category
Use the new navigation bar at the top of each page to find all the topics within any category. You will generally be no more than one or two clicks away from any page.
Quick Link Buttons: frequently accessed pages
For direct links to the most frequently accessed pages, use the Quick Links navigation buttons at the left of each page.
Return visitors who have bookmarked any page other than the “front door” (www.yale.edu/agrarianstudies), should delete the old bookmarks, explore the new links, then bookmark topics anew in this updated site.
Best viewed with Verdana and Georgia, TrueType fonts available with most operating systems.
Site Map
A site map will be added after some initial testing of the new site.
Please report problems viewing or using this site to the webmaster.